Our office spe­cialis­es in

  • Con­sol­i­dat­ed account­ing in accor­dance with inter­na­tion­al principles
  • audit­ing and
  • audit-relat­ed consultancy

We are the Ruhr District’s spe­cial­ists for con­sol­i­dat­ed finan­cial state­ments in accor­dance with the IFRS and the Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code (Han­dels­ge­set­zbuch, „HGB“). We also offer an exten­sive range of work­shops in these areas.

Whether it be indus­tri­al cor­po­ra­tions or ser­vice providers, we will ensure an effec­tive audit per­formed on sched­ule, in accor­dance with HGB or IFRS principles.

We assist our clients in the prepa­ra­tion and per­for­mance of audits, advise them with IPOs and pre­pare expert reports.